One week ago today around 6:00 in the morning the first siren of the day went off. Wind was blowing pretty hard and rain was coming down. I lay in bed just listening. The hubby got up and went in to work. Later that morning around 10 am more rain and the sky turned black and again sirens were going off. I turned on the news only to see the state light up with warnings.
Local news was on and they were urging people to take cover. The hubby called and also warned me of weather. At that point i grabbed the kids and went to the lower level of the house and waited till it quieted down. Soon after we had another warning that a tornado was spotted in the next town over which is just right down the road. We take cover again. After that warning the weather calmed down a bit and the kids were getting tired. Against my better judgement i went ahead and put them down for a nap and kept a close eye on the weather. It wasn't 2o minutes after i put them down we got the worst warning of the day so far and it was getting ugly outside. I ran up and grabbed them out of bed and went back down for cover. We were safe again but as soon as i got to the news again there had been atleast 3 tornadoes spotted all around us.
I called my husband at work to see if he was ok and asked him to stop and grab some dinner if the weather permitted. We were back and fourth running for cover till about 4:00pm. At this time the wind was still and the rain was slowing. At 4:10 the electricity went off. The hubs made it home safely with dinner in hand. We never regained power that night. We listened to the battery powered radio only to hear all of the devastation that had hit our state. We went to bed not even knowing the half of it. The next morning i got out of bed with the knowledge of what we had heard and no electricity and no food in the house. You see Thursdays are grocery day. So i told the hubby that i was going to go out and see if i could find anything open. I drove into town and there was no power anywhere. No cell phone coverage either. I was listening to the radio and they said that nothing was open and even Walmart was closed. I started to cry cause i was also hearing of more devastation that had happened and that they were saying that the estimation of the power being out was at that time 4 to 5 days. Just then i heard that publix was opening and just so happen that i was right there at it when they opened. It was mass chaos. I can't even describe what it was like. I went in with no buggy but was able to find some reusable bags and started filling them up with what i could find. It was hard to think at this point. I grabbed water, crackers, soup, peanut butter and cereal. I left and tried to get gas but there was non to be found. I went on home. As i was driving home i was thinking about how long they estimated the power being off. I thought that we might just pack up and go somewhere with electricity and food and gas. But as i was thinking this the news on the radio was going over how the roads in every direction was full and backed up and people were running out of gas trying to get out. By the time i got home and put the groceries away i calmed down and realized we were going to be ok. That we were the lucky ones and that atleast we still had a house and we were all ok.
That day was sunny so the family and i just spent the day outside. When it started getting dark we came in and washed the kids up and the hubby and i read by candle light and went to bed.
Friday morning at 1:13 am our power came back on. Husband was still off of work and my daughter and i watched the news and Prince William and Kate Middleton get married. My little girl was so excited to see a Prince and Princess. She was obsessed with her hair and how pretty it was. Our power was off and on threw the day but we did have power. No complaints here. At that point we had also decided not to go anywhere till we heard if there was gas to be got. Since we did have power though and the hubs was home he continued to work on the kitchen remodel and I decided to do some spring cleaning and started filling up bags to go to goodwill.
By Saturday we had heard and seen on the news of ALL the devastation that had happened. UNREAL! I then realized that i had just bagged up some things that people might need. So i went threw my house again and started gathering up things that i had double of. Towels, sheets, blankets, bibs, burpclothes, crib sheets, baby blankets, outgrown kids clothes, adult clothes, shoes and baby items. We started listening for drop off points. We also picked up laundry detergent, soap and shampoo to donate.
Sunday we had church with no electricity. You see we were the lucky one else seemed to have power. Sams Club was open and had gas so we filled up. Cars lined up and truck beds full of gas cans. I saw one man filling 14 gas cans. Some friends of ours came over for a shower and dinner and to just sit in a house with electricity.
Monday still no power. Tuesday some power. By today....power. Except where my husband works. He is still off of work. It has been one week.