Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This year has been a hard one for this family. But all i can do is thank GOD for all the blessings he HAS givin us. I have so much to be thankful for. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you all have a wonderful fun filled family gathering eat until you bust Holiday!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sammies ~

I'm a sandwich lover. How about you? I reciently found a new recipe for Hawiian Sweet Roll Ham Sammies and tried it out a few nights ago. And let me tell ya....they were yummy!!! These would make good snacks for game night or for a church pot luck. is very onion-y! IF you don't like onions don't try this. I happen to love onions and with this hot sammie the onions is what makes it so yummy. .....

Hawiian Sweet Roll Ham Sammies

What you will need:
1 Pk of 12 Hawaiian sweet rolls
1 onion minced
1 stick of butter
3 tbs of dijon mustard
2 tsp worchestire sauce
3 tsp poppy seeds
Half pound shaved ham
8 slices of swiss cheese

Start by chopping or grating an onion. I use the hand chopper from Pampered Chef. I get a pretty fine mince.

Melt a stick of butter and then add the onions to the butter.

Add three tablespoons of Dijon mustard to the onions and butter.

Add two teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce and stir completely.

Then add three teaspoons of poppy seeds and let simmer for a few minutes, until onions are soft.

Grab a package of the Hawaiian Sweet dinner rolls and cut the entire thing in half length wise.

Place the roll bottoms in a aluminum foil lined 13 by 9 pan. Spread the onion mixture on the entire bottom. You will want to save about 1/4 of the mixture back.

Grab some shaved ham, about a half a pound, and seven to eight slices of swiss cheese. Put the ham on top of the onions and then add the slices of cheese.

Add the roll tops on the cheese.

Now, with the remaining onion mixtures, spread over the top of the rolls.

Cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate until ready to use. Bake on 350 degrees for 20 minutes, covered with foil.

When you remove from the oven, slice down the roll lines.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Meal Planning ~

I do not always have time to do a good meal plan for the week. And for awhile we were eating the same things week after week. The kids were getting board with breakfast and lunches. Lately i have been trying ALOT of new recipes {thanks to a certain website ;) } and i needed some way for myself to make sure to write down a good meal plan for the family. I pulled this cute little book with empty lined pages from the craft room......

And decided it was going to be my new "Meal Planning Book". I pick these up from Ross or TJ Maxx when i see them on the clearance isle. I have them for gifts or i use them for personal use cause i'm a note taker. I started my Meal Plan by writing the days of the week with Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Then i start filling in the blanks. Sounds easy why is this hard for me? Maybe i'm lazy...ha!

Now don't look to hard...i have some misspelled words. HA! Kids were running around me and asking me like 5 pazzzillion questions. So i may have misspelled Raisins. And i may have done it 2 or 3 times. That is ok....i know i did it. I can laugh and move on.

Ok....back to my meal plan. So on the front page i wrote down all the meals for the week. On the back of the page i wrote down my real grocery list. Groceries only. If i need anything else from the store i use a sticky note to do so. That way i know what i need per recipe. I do this week after week making sure i write down at least 2 new recipes per week. Then when i'm having an off week and don't have alot of time to meal plan i can just go back and "reuse" a week. And i instantly have my grocery list. I think this is going to be great. And a great way to work new recipes into the rotation. Because what i have realized real fast about trying new recipes is that it can get pretty pricey. This keeps me on budget and helps me keep up healthy eating habits. Win win in my book. ;)

How do you Meal Plan? Do you plan weekly or monthly?
