Thursday, December 16, 2010

Buddy and Christmas Lights~

I took this picture of my little girl last night. She still loves to stand by her "Giant" tree and look at all the ornaments. She just got finished seeing Buddy for the first time yesterday. I kinda let her find it be first thing in the morning....or when she happens to remember.
Buddy has been a busy little elf. He has been spotted in several places around the house. I try to take a picture every once in a while of where he magically appears. :o) He has be in a few places on the "giant" tree.

He appeared in the bathroom a few times which makes for a great day of using the Potty! On this particular day for some reason little girl kept calling him "Elfvis". Which is hilarious cause she came up with that all on her own! I almost decided to make a name change but the next day she started calling him Buddy again. I do plan on getting another Elf on the Shelf next year. So that when my kids grow up i can pass them along to the grandkids. So next years elf will have the name "Elfvis"! {p.s., how do you like that awesome wallpaper on the walls? HA! I can't wait for that to come off!}

He stayed nestled between these trees in the living room for a few days....he must have really liked it there.

Here he is in another tree in the house.

Staying warm tucked in a stocking by the fire.

Up high in the dinning room.

This week we took the kids to see the christmas lights at a local garden.

This reminded me and the hubby of the "Life Tree".

Most of my pictures ended up like this.....FUZZY!

Well once again i will complain about sick kids. My little boy is sick and i took him to the doctor yesterday he has alot of chest junk. He has to go back to make sure he doesn't get pneumonia. So please keep him in your prayers. He has had enough sickness this season and his immune system is down and this could get bad fast. So i'm off of here to go take care of my little man.

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