Well it is that time of year again....CONSIGNMENT TIME. You know i get excited about these sales. And take them very seriously. I have my money {cash only} in my pocket, laundry basket and my strategy is fast and furious....start at one end and skim the racks. If is see something that i like i quickly put it in my basket and keep moving. I don't take time to look the item over or check the price...that can be done later. First I look for the "High End" items that can cost in the hundreds {ie...smocked dresses and boutique items}. After i have reached the end with my stash i go thru and start looking for anything stained or worn. Then i go thru and check prices. I have a set price in my head of what i'm willing to pay for a certain item. Once i have gone thru all my items and picked out what i want i go back and skim the racks again to make sure i have seen everything and see if anyone has put something back that i may like. Then i move on to shoes. When it comes to shoes....smaller sizes are your best bet. Older kids ruin shoes so i didn't even look at the girls shoes this time. Then i browse the DVD's and books. I didn't find any DVD's this sale.
But here is what i did find. :)
Please excuse the wrinkles....i haven't washed yet.
This outfit is more for this fall. The green is corduroy but i thought it was to cute to pass up for $15.
Ooh LA LA!!! I can't wait to monogram this cute pink dress. I love the Paris scene around the bottom....
I saw this dress at Strasburg last year with a price tag of $149.00! I loved it when i saw it and thought that it would make a gorgeous portrait but well....i'm not paying that price. I picked it up last night for $15.00! :o)
And lastly for my sweet girl i found this CA-ute outfit with poodles and ruffles! She really liked seeing this outfit too.
Here are 3 jon jon's i found for my little man. The Madeiras plaid is reversible and is yellow on the other side. The blue is monogrammable and the smocked green and blue plaid is a perfect match to one of big sisters dresses i found for her last year that will fit her this year. :o) I love it when that happens.
Ok, ok....i know. This little jacket and shorts outfit looks straight out of the Hampton's right?? HAHA! I couldn't help myself. I just thought it was toooooooo cute to pass up for $5. I'm a sucker for seersucker.
I lucked out and found 2 smocked short sets.
Nothing says little boy like space ships and rockets!
And a "Chopper Chopper". :o)
I also found little man 2 pair of new shoes.
Please excuse the horrible lighting and pictures. I didn't feel like being much of a photographer today.
I have 2 more sales to hit up in the next few weeks. I hope i can find a few more things for my little boy. I'm really hoping to score matching Easter outfits again this year.
Are you a consignment shopper? IF you have never been or don't know of any consignment sales are in your area just google Kids Consignment Sales for whatever area you are in and see if there are any close by.
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