I did get 2 things done in Baby Boy's room this week. I got some shelves painted and hung. I originally thought i was going to paint them red...but when i got to Lowes...i found this.....
This stuff is awesome! First off it is all-surface paint. I can use it on just about anything. Secondly...the color is just fabulous! Aged copper. It was pricey...$7.00 a can. :O BUT well worth it. And i have a few other projects in mind for it. So i came home and got to work. Here is the before photos of the shelves.
Remember the top shelve in this post? Not very Posh....huh?
The second shelf you see was something my mother gave me. She gave me a set of 3...i'm still trying to figure out where i'm going to put the other 2. Anyway...so i wanted to display some of Little Man's books. Not alot of them...just a few. And when i pulled this puppy out of his closet i got an idea. So i went to the Hubby with this idea. He said "Really" you want me to do what with that. Poor guy....he has a "To-DO" list that is never ending! But he graciously obliged. And this is what he did.....
I sanded them down and painted away. They turned out great! The "aged copper" gave them a vintage look. :) Ta-Dahhhhhhhh
The pictures don't do them justice...but they look fabulous!
Now on to yet another project i started on this week. Can you guess what it is??? I'm hoping to have this done by Monday...Stay Tuned!!!!
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