I bought pans at Goodwill specifically for this. Break the crayons up smaller and put them in a mold. Don't forget to spray the bottom of the pan with cooking spray. If you are using a silicone mold you can just fill your mold with the broken crayons. If you want a multi colored crayon, mix them together.
Set your oven to approx. 325-350F. Silicone molds can go directly in the oven, but because of their flexibility, you probably want to put the mold ON a baking sheet for stability. This is particularly important if you are doing layers.
Melt the crayons in the oven, checking them every 5 minutes or so. You want them melted but not TOO hot. Once you see nearly all the crayons are completely melted, your crayons are done!
Let the crayons cool until completely hard and then, pop them out of the mold!! If you choose to use a metal pan, you would want to spray the pan lightly with cooking spray so the crayons slide out easier. This is one of the reasons I prefer the silicone molds--plus they come in way more fun shapes!!
That is soooo neat. They are so pretty. So now what are you doing with them? Are you coloring with them or using them as a decoration or what??
Very cool and I def. have enough "hurt" crayons to do this with! :-)
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