Friday, May 7, 2010

Simple Pleasures...

I have been doctoring 2 sick little ones the past few days. Lots of long nights and days laying in bed or on the couch just holding my babies and trying to make them feel better. While NO i do not enjoy them being sick i have enjoyed holding them all day long. I guess i would call that a "Simple Pleasure" about being a mom. Being able to just hold my babies and nurse them back to health.

I thought today i would do a post on Simple Pleasures. Most of my simple pleasures involve my kids. :) But just a few don't. :P

The sound of my Kids laughing
Waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee
Snapping photos of my kids
Swinging on the front porch swing with my kids
Diet coke and Southern Lady magazine
The smell of Freshly cut grass
A sweet note in the mail from a friend
A Saturday with nothing to do and staying in your PJ's ALL day!
The smell of my daughters hair after her bath
The whole family cuddling up in bed together and laughing
Warm summer nights and catching fireflys
Sweet Ice Tea
Hearing my daughter say a new word
Movie night with my hubby after the kids go down for bed
Freshly painted toe nails
Trips to the Park
Hearing a favorite song randomly come on the radio
Finding something awesome at a yard sale for .50 cents
A entirely clean house (this rarely happens)
OOOHH... being at the beach!- the sights, the smell, the sounds

That is a few of mine...what are your Simple Pleasures?

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend....see ya next week.


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