Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Socialization ~

Socialization....that is my topic for today. Ladies/Mommas i have a few questions for you. I know where i stand on socialization of my kids. But sometimes i do question myself. And i don't know quite where to start with my questions. But here i go and i really need your feedback. :) My reason for this is that i recently heard from someone i know that has a child that just got over having Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. She made a comment that just struck went like this. " I know there are germs at playgroup & play dates but his socializing is more important & those germs just help his immune system"....he is 1 i might add. Maybe it is just me....but that statement just didn't sit well with me. I have been thinking about it all morning. Socializing is more important than the health of your child? here are my questions?
Play groups / Play dates from ages 1 to say 4? Do you think it is important? My children interact with other kids at church. I'm a stay at home mom and they have me all day long. We go to the park. They see their cousins several times a year. But is that enough? Once i start a curriculum with my daughter through Homeschooling she will be involved in 1 activity. Has this been/ is this enough? My children are very well behaved {for a 2&4 yr old} and talk to anyone. i'm going to leave this short and just see what you guys have to say. Thanks! :)


Audra said...

You know I think you do enough socialization for their age. They are very wellbehaved,a nd they played GREAT with the kids here for the party. You are doing a great job! And, some germs should be avoided...yes, a cold virus isn't going to hurt them, and they need some bad germs. But, you want to try to keep that to a minimum. They'll get enough germs just from playing in public areas. :)

Nicki said...

I am just looking at my dashboard. So sorry I didn't see this sooner.
I am sure you know what I think without me saying it, but DO NOT worry about if your kids are getting enough socialization.
Do you let them out of the house or keep them locked in the basement?

I did not stay at home with Cec until she was 13 months old. :(
And when I did quick work and stay home, I had the mentality that she needed to continue to have socialization. So, I enrolled her in a wonderful Mother's Day Out program. Well, I started her with 2 days a week, but changed my mind because I didn't need/want the two day break and she didn't like going. (But, The director tried to pressure me into the 2 days a week)
but I after 4 months I finally took her out because she didn't want to go.
Then we did the whole play day/group thing, but that ended up being me watching a bunch of kids while other mom's stood around and talked. So that ended.
Cec spent most of her day's with me. She went to church and played with cousins. And Colton did the same from birth. Not much more socialization than that. As they got older (school age) I found some homeschooling activities. (we no longer do) But now it is family, church, friends, and sports and art classes.
My kids are past the play date stage and now have their own social calendars. I have become a taxi service.
I certainly do not look back and think, "Oh, I wish we had been more social when they were little."
If anything, I look back with regret and think why did I feel pressure to do that to us.
My advice (take it or leave it) to you is enjoy the time with your babies. Pray that the Lord will bless you with the people you need in your life. Do not worry about socialization. Your kids go out to the same activities that you do. They know how to socialize.
So that is my two cents. Now I will get down from my soapbox.
Lots of love to you.

