Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Good the Bad & the UGLY ~

No pictures today...just me talking about mommyhood. The title says it all! Being a mommy has it's good days and it's bad. I'm in that place right now where patience it key. What am i talking about? Lets start here: My wonderful 2 1/2 year old has always slept great at night and also takes good naps. I know i'm terribly lucky in that department. BUT she still has to sleep with her pacifier. Over last weekend i tried to see if she could give it up. Friday night i didn't offer it to her. She didn't ask for it. SWEET! It was like i had a "Easy" button. Saturday nap she asked for it but i said that it was gone gone. She looked alittle sad but went on to sleep. Saturday night she asked for it again and again i said it was gone gone. She went on to sleep! Could this be....could it really be that easy? NO! Sunday night she through an all out FIT for it. So i scramble to find one and give it to her. Now if she was an only child i would have just shut her door and let her cry herself to sleep. But baby brother was sleepy and i didn't want him to not go straight to sleep. So i caved. Now on to another problem. She is so good to do what i ask most of the time. But this potty business is about to drive me INsane! She will NOT tee tee in the potty! She wants to wear panies but just wont do what she needs to do on the potty. So i have tee tee to clean up throughout the day. ARGG! Now on to Little man. I have successfully breastfed him exclusively since he was born. I'm so proud of that. My daughter was breastfed for the first 6 months only and she weaned herself from me and wanted a bottle. My son has never used a bottle. EVER. And now that i'm thinking about slowly weaning him....he refuses to suck a bottle or drink from a sippy cup. BUT he is actually trying to wean himself. He is wanting me less and less. So what in the world am i supposed to do?? I have tried everything.

And i'm sick of people with no kids...NO KIDS trying to give me advise. And telling me "she is 2 she shouldn't be sucking a pacifier". Please...i used to bit my tongue and smile when NON kid folks tried giving me i say...I will remember that "advise" when you have kids.

So i'm very frustrated right now. If you can't tell. HA! If any of you mommies out there have any advise....i'm all ears!

i know that i'm a terrible speller. sorry for all those misspelled words!! :P


Audra said...

Hey...I feel you about the bottle thing! Try a straw. All three of mine went straight from breastfeeding to a straw. They never did sippy cups unless they were in the car. :) As far as the potty training...all I can say is try making her clean up her mess. It worked for Paige, but not for Liam. He was too stubborn. And, cut off the tip of all her paci's...then tell her they're borken. :( Mine never used paci's (although there were times I wished they did), but a lot of friends say that worked for them. And don't let anyone WITHOUT kids make you feel bad! THey have NO clue, do they?

Audra said...

Oh, and tell her they're broken, not borken! :) I'm a terrible typist!

Mommasew said... worries. i just re-read my post and saw like 20 misspelled words! i must have forgot to spell check. oooppss!

thanks for the encouragement and ideas. i'm afraid that little girl is to smart for the cut/broke paci trick. she would be like COOL a new design! :P BUT i will try that today...i pray it works!

