Monday, August 30, 2010

Fire Place and a Little FALL ~

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Our weekend was Super Duper
Biz-A!!! First up hubs gutted the fireplace. Have you ever seen the inside of a fireplace? No? Well here you go......

How about tons of YUCK!

Here is the hubby inside the fireplace working away. It is coming day soon we hope to have a REAL wood burning fireplace. Hopefully just in time for the upcoming winter. AHHHHH......progress! :o) See the brick...we are planning on painting {white washing} it. I think it will totally lighten up the living room.
Ok. Well i did manage to get in a tiny little sewing project Saturday. As i was perusing my stash of fabric last week i found this lovely....

It got me in the mood for Fall colors in the house. hehe! I had cleaned out under the kitchen sink earlier this week {only because i found a leak} and found some decorative pumpkins i had bought at a yard sale back in the spring. I totally jumped the "fall" gun and started displaying them around the living room. So when i saw this fabric i knew what i wanted to make with it. I initially bought it to make a dress for my little darling daughter. BUT i never got around to using it. So i used it to make this....

A runner for my small buffet by the entryway. Oh i just love it. It took no time at all to sew up the edges. It makes the house feel FALL cozy already. See the cute little punkins. :) Is it to early??

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