Thursday, August 19, 2010

~Little Dowgie ~

I have a little "Dowgie". He has been in our family for several years. One of his favorite past times is snoozing. So i wanted to make him a nice bed. I looked in my fabric stash and pulled out a black and white toile. LOVE IT! I have tons of it and use it every chance i get. HA! I'm sure you will see more of it in the future. This was a pretty easy project. I basicly cut out 2 rounds. Used some "fluff/stuffing". And there you have it....Doggie bed.

Very simple but he seems to love it! :)

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I have been trying to get every last minute of the summer in with the kiddos. I feel like it is quickly slipping away. And while i would love some relief from the heat....i hate to see summer go. It is my favorite season by the way. I do have some sewing projects coming up soon. Can't wait to share.


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