Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thrifty Thursday ~

As you can probably guess from yesterdays post i'm gearing up for my little boy's First Birthday! We have decided on a Cowboy theme. I have a budget set and i'm determined not to go over board. We have a kitchen and bathroom remodel about to start...can you say money pit!! Anyway....I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday to see if i could find anything that i would be able to use..."On the Cheap"! And actually was pretty surprised at what i found. But i did notice something. The "theme" plates, cups, napkins, etc...was double the price of the plain colored version. So what i did was grab 1 small set of the cowboy themed and then i bought the rest in red to match. That right there saved me a small fortune. :) Plus to me it looks alot better. I also had a 40% coupon to use on an item that cost more than i really wanted to spend! So that is my "thrifty finds". Getting started on his birthday banner and cowboy outfit today. I'll be posting more on those when i finish.

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